October 07, 2016

Game Analysis Day(s)

1. Games that stood out to me the most, were Diep.io and Boxhead 2 play (my game). Diep.io is one game that stood out to me, due to it being a bit more on the side of combat, without it having to shed any acts of violence, besides shooting other people. Boxhead 2 play has been a very fun game ever since I first played it.

2. Games that I would deem "good", would be Diep.io, Agar.io, and the Bloons game. Diep.io and Agar.io have the same concepts with Agar.io being the first to come out with the same developers to make Diep.io, only with a better chance to get back up if you are destroyed. Both having the same concept, the enemies are basically other players around the world playing with you in real time. They also have different game modes ranging from free for all, to being in teams of different colours. Bloons is a simple, point and click game, but also being fun and quick to hop onto.

3. On the other side, the games I would deem "bad" would be Boxhead 2 play. It is a game that I chose, however, the only thing "bad" about it for myself, is the blood left by the zombies after they have been killed. Since there is an option to turn off devils (which gives the player more of a challenge), there should also be an option to turn off the blood. The style of graphics is not too simple, nor complex.

4. My favourite game of the day out of the 4, it would have to be Diep.io. The game is fun, simple, and has easy controls to learn. The player can navigate through the map quite easily, and when they are ready, they can head to the centre of the map, which may cause lag. Other players which are enemies, make it fun, since they are playing in real time.

Art style is fairly simple, and similar to Agar.io. With the option to upgrade our tank, it adds a wide variety to make it challenging for other players, as well as making a choice in what tank the player wants. There have been recent updates to the game, which does show how much the game can be more entertaining for players.

My rating of the game out of 10, would be a 7, only because it is fairly similar to Agar.io, but not over the top as violent as some games may be.

Game link: http://diep.io/
Chart link

Photoshop Intro

Header of my blog was made in Photoshop :)

Not many things were done to make this, just dragging and adjusting the images for the header. The text for it was done with the text tool.
